Amazon miniTV recently released its patriotic drama series, Naam Namak Nishan. With an impressive rating of 8 on IMDB, this series deftly portrays the true spirit of patriotism and brotherhood. Set against the backdrop of the Officers Training Academy (OTA) in Chennai, it follows the journey of young cadets, who come from different corners of India, to fulfill their dreams of serving the nation. Produced by Juggernaut Studios, Naam Namak Nishan is brought to life by a cast, boasting Varun Sood, Helly Shah, Roshni Walia, and Danish Sood in pivotal roles.
Danish Sood who essays the character of Gurbaaz Sing, a middle-class boy, and an army aspirant, revealed his intense prep for the series. Danish said, “I found it necessary to put on some extra pounds. Varun, on the other hand, lost 15-16 kgs. He focused on losing weight, while I concentrated on gaining. My goal was to achieve a more athletic physique, as Gurbaaz, my character, has a background in sports, particularly football. However, football players typically do not possess a particularly muscular body. To fit in, I focused on building a strong sense of energy, even though I couldn’t quite match their height.”