Directed by Akshay Kumar and backed by Narendra Singh under his banner Filmybox, the story is written by Deep Chugh. MA Pass is scheduled to premiere in November 2022.
After giving thrillers in B. A Pass trilogy the production company Filmybox is all geared up to come up with another exciting project. The new film is titled M.A Pass and is touted to be a family drama film. The teaser of the film is out now. In the teaser, we can see a common family who looks tensed and surprised at the same time. The teaser is definitely creating excitement amongst the audience.
Akshay Kumar’s directorial Sunny Sachdev is on board to play the main lead, Sunny is born in Delhi and brought up in Banglore, Karnataka. He has worked in popular web series like ALtiBalaji’s Gandii Baat and Zee5’s the State of Siege. The actor will now be seen playing the lead role in MA Pass. On the other hand, Instagram model-turned-actress Muskaan Mehta will be playing the lead actress opposite Sunny. Muskaan has been featured in many music videos and has also worked in Cineprime’s web series Good Girls Brides Night. Other actors who will be featured in the film are Arjun Fauzdar, Santosh Malhotra, Mukesh Chandella, and Tondon Tilakdhari.
Directed by Akshay Kumar and backed by Narendra Singh under his banner Filmybox, the story is written by Deep Chugh. MA Pass is scheduled to premiere in November 2022.