Directed by Ram Vamsi Krishna, the film is being produced by Abhishek Agarwal and Vikram Reddy under the banner of Abhishek Agarwal arts and V Mega...
Chhota Bheem and The Curse of Damyaan stars Yagya Bhasin as Chhota Bheem and also stars Anupam Kher.
Sunil Rodrigues is known for directing some of the stunts in Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan and Pathaan, and Salman Khan-starrer Tiger 3
Tanvi The Great is produced under Anupam Kher Studio.
Tanvi The Great is produced under Anupam Kher Studio.
Taking to his social media platform, Anupam Kher shared the news of his directorial on his birthday
Shiva Raaj Kumar starrer film is running in theatres.
Kher has Vijay 69, The Vaccine War and Kaagaz 2 in his kitty apart from The Signature.
The series is created by filmmaker Neeraj Pandey and is directed by Bhav Dhulia.
Set to release on September 1, 2023 on Disney+ Hotstar, The Freelancer features Mohit Raina and Anupam Kher along with Kashmira Pardeshi.