The show is about to take an exciting turn with the entry of a new character- Monisha, who will be played by the talented actress Srishti...
Zee TV’s popular primetime drama - Kumkum Bhagya, has been ruling audiences’ hearts since its launch in 2014.
We saw how Prachi and Ranbir have separated and Pallavi has asked Ranbir to get married to Rhea.
Even though she joined one of the most popular shows Kumkum Bhagya during the pandemic, the actress maintained a ‘sang-froid’ attitude.
To know all this and more, tune in to Kumkum Bhagya every Monday to Friday at 9 pm only on Zee TV
Ridhi and Suhaas visited the sets of the hugely popular television shows there, produced by Balaji Telefilms
To know what happens next on Kumkum Bhagya, watch the premiere episode on ZEE5 Club before TV!
Watch all your favourite television shows one day before tv only on ZEE5 club!
Let’s go back in time and reminisce everything that’s happened in Kumkum Bhagya in 2020.
As lockdown eases, Ekta Kapoor is back to shooting maintaining all healthy and safety guidelines