The animated series on freedom fighters will stream from December 1st on Doordarshan, Netflix, Prime Video and WAVES along with a radio series on Akashvani and...
The IFFIESTA ‘safar’ begins with the unveiling of ‘Safarnama’
Kubera cast includes Dhanush, Nagarjuna Akkineni, Rashmika Mandanna, and Jim Sarbh in key roles.
This state-of-the-art ICVFX (In-Camera Visual Effects) facility promises to revolutionize the production process for filmmakers.
Everyone cut a cake to mark this special moment for the family, that will also see two releases back to back (Love Story and Akhil Akkineni's...
From East to West, and North to South, Indian celebrities unite in clarion call to citizens to follow Covid Appropriate Behaviour to prevent a third surge...
The superstar will be seen sharing screen time with Amitabh Bachchan, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt.
The film on India's 83 World Cup win is slated for April release
After two ladies filed complaint against 4 coordinators for misbehaving with them, the students staged a protest outside Nagarjuna’s house to ban Bigg Boss Telugu, read...
Rakul Preet cites that Shahid Kapoor smoking in Kabir Singh didn’t mean he is promoting it