The plot revolves around the pretty and dainty damsel Saru (Sara Khan) who comes to stay in a royal house in Kashmir
The film has been co-produced by Mamta D'souza Productions in association with Loop Pool Films & Pinku Arts (Singapore).
Rahat Kazmi and Hina Khan's Lines has started streaming on Voot Select and receiving excellent reviews all across the globe.
BED NO 17 is directorial debut of JOLLY LLB, KESARI and LUXMI BOMB fame actor Mir Sarwar.
MIFF 20- Montgomery international film festival is one of the top festivals in United States of America.
Internationally acclaimed filmmaker Rahat Kazmi's films have won international awards at several film festivals around the world.
Film will be streaming from 11 December on MX player all across the world.
Dealing with homosexuality and freedom of speech, Lihaaf will be shown at the Montgomery International Film Festival in August
Post Lines, Hina Khan bagged her second film Wish List with Rahat Kazmi
Hina Khan leaves behind her small-screen glamorous avatar for a raw look in Rahat Kazmi production