Yash Raj Films announced that its much-anticipated action entertainer, Alpha – the first female-led YRF Spy Universe film being produced by Aditya Chopra, will hit theatres...
Sharvari is gearing up for her next project, Alpha with Alia Bhatt which is a part of YRF’s Spy Universe.
The film directed by Nikkhil Advani also stars Tamanaah Bhatia, Abhishek Banerjee and Ashish Vidyarthi.
Sharvari will be headlining Yash Raj Films' Spy universe film Alpha alongside Alia Bhatt.
Sharvari and Alia Bhatt will be headlining YRF Spyverse' next film Alpha.
Sharvari will be next seen in the much-awaited Nikkhil Advani film Vedaa
The film directed by The Railwaymen director Shiv Rawail has begun shooting
“I Want to Be Part of the Best Films and Hopefully Become One of the Best Actresses in My Country”, says Sharvari.
Munjya, the horror-comedy is running at the theatres.
Alongside Sharvari, Munjya features Abhay Verma and Mona Singh.