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Twilight star Robert Pattinson makes THIS exception for his upcoming Christopher Nolan film. 

Robert Pattison is all set to feature in Academy Award-winning director Christopher Nolan’s next film



After the success of the critically acclaimed Dunkirk, Chris Nolan is back with a new film that is already claiming to be a mega project! The movie is still untitled, however, the cast has been confirmed. It includes BlacKKKlansmen star John David Washington, The Great Gatsby’s Elizabeth Debicki, and everyone’s favourite teen vampire Robert Pattinson!

 When asked about the film in a recent interview, Pattinson revealed why he’d finally be breaking his current small-scale/indie movie persona as an actor and start working on bigger productions, by saying “As an actor, the only bit of control is whether or not you’re doing a movie. Working with these important directors makes you feel more secure in the choices you’re making. Like, I’m doing a big movie with Christopher Nolan after this. It’s the craziest thing I’ve seen in years. It’s the length of three movies.” Pattinson further added, I got locked in a room to read the script – I don’t have it myself. I’ve been a little wary of doing big movies for years and years, but there’s just something about Chris Nolan’s stuff. He seems like the only director now who can do what is essentially a very personal, independent movie that has a huge scale. I read the script and it’s unreal.” 

Well, the Twilight actor certainly seemed to hype up his latest project, leaving Chris Nolan fans even more excited. The official release date has been set for July 2020, and sources online have already revealed some details as to the possible premise of the movie. But, what do you think it will actually be about? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned to CineBlitz for more updates!
