In her heartfelt tribute, Binaiferr emphasized that Ratan Tata was more than just a business icon.
Kohli has produced shows like Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hain!,Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, F.I.R and May I Come In Madam.
We fight, argue, but there is immense love and respect for each other says Binaiferr Kohli
Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai! producer Binaiferr Kohli talks about her New Year plans and what more viewers can expect in 2023.
The duo has made shows such as Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai, F.I.R, and Happu Ki Ultan Paltan.
Sanjay and Binaiferr Kohli's "Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai!", which is produced under their banner Edit II, took home four trophies at International Iconic Awards 2022.
As a Creative Producer and showrunner, Sanjay Kohli & Binaiferr Kohli have handled multiple shows— Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai!, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, FIR, May...
Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain producer Binaiferr Kohli feels that television cannot go totally in an OTT way, and there will be some difference.
Recently, the show and its actors received nine Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films 2021.
"Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai" features Aasif Sheikh, Rohitashv Gour, Shubhangi Atre, and Nehha Pendse in lead roles.